Luckily, there is an easy way to work out and get that much-needed exercise without spending hours upon hours doing it. Even better is that you can do it in your own home. Below you will find easy instructions for a killer fifteen minute workout that, when performed twice per day, will help work off some of those calories and tone your muscles!
The first thing to realize about this workout is that it won’t help you lose a ton of weight. If you really need to or want to shed pounds, then you’re going to have to exercise for longer than a half hour per day. However, exercising for fifteen minutes two times per day is better than doing nothing at all. It is a good start and introduction to exercise and will put you on the path to the body that you deserve.
The first five minutes of your fifteen minute workout should be spent warming up. Jog in place for one minute to get your muscles stretched and your blood flowing. The next three minutes should be filled with stretching. Swing your arms in circles at your sides (starting with small ones and moving to larger ones) for thirty seconds. Next, stand upright and bend down to touch your toes (or at least as far as you can go). Do this for thirty second as well. Now, stand upright once more and swing your body from side to side with your arms lifted to should height and your elbows at ninety degree angles. This stretch should also last thirty seconds. Repeat the three exercises another time through and then finish with another minute of jogging in place.
The second five minutes of your fifteen minute workout will be spent on your upper body. This part is a little more intensive than the first part, but don’t worry, you’ll be able to handle it. Do ten pushups, rest for fifteen seconds, do twenty-five sit-ups, and rest for fifteen seconds. Repeat this as many times as you can in five minutes. At first, you might only be able to get through it one or two times, but you’re sure to build up to more repetitions if you keep at it. If it’s too easy for you, then cut out the rest times and push straight through.
The final five minutes of this fifteen minute workout are dedicated to your lower body and a little more cardio. Do twenty-five squats, rest for fifteen seconds, do twenty-five jumping jacks, and rest for fifteen seconds. Keep repeating through this sequence much like you did for your upper body. Once again, if it’s too easy, then skip the rest sections.
This little workout, while simple, really does work and is a great way to get moving. Remember to do it twice per day for the full benefits. Though it’s not a whole lot, it’s a great and simple way to get introduced to exercising and begin to live an all-around healthier lifestyle.

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