Sunday, July 24, 2011

Safe Cosmetics Act of 2011 introduced in Congress

Posted on June 28, 2011 on Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families (see my Fav Links on right)

All of our hard work is paying off! The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families supporters have been building the momentum for safe, nontoxic products, and elected leaders responded last week by reintroducing the federal Safe Cosmetics Act in the House of Representatives!

The Safe Cosmetics Act (H.R. 2359) will give the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the authority it needs to ensure that personal care products are free of harmful substances like lead, reproductive toxins, and cancer-causing chemicals like formaldehyde. The existing law, which has not been updated in 70 years, allows cosmetics, personal care and cleaning product companies to use these and other toxic chemicals in products that we use on and around our bodies, and the little bodies of our kids, every day.

Linda's Comment: I have been ranting about this devastating law for years!  Can you imagine leaving the safety of ingredients in the products you use all over your house in hands of the national manufacturers?  Talk about the fox in the hen house!  Many of these chemicals have been proven to cross the blood brain barrier in the fetus.  Major research has shown pregnant women in the U.S. have hundreds of these toxic chemicals in their blood.

And yet, we watch TV and are sucked into the jive of commercials about this 'cleaning product or that hand lotion.'  We buy this stuff.  It's all over our homes.  Then, we're amazed that cancer is the #2 killer of kids, after injury.   Wonder why our kids have allergies, constant ear infections, learning disorders.  Our pets are diagnosed with a range of cancers and we simply don't ponder the reason.

For 25 years, companies like Melaleuca have refused to play this dangerous manufacturing game.  For 25 years this company committed its resources to the health and safety of its customers and their kids, pets and the earth. They didn't wait for a law to force them to do the right thing.

For 10 of those years, we have been a customer of Melaleuca and I encourage you to find out why...  call or email me today.  Safe, NonToxic Products that Really Work & Cost Less... WOW!

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