I have to admit; I'm a dirt girl and when given a choice will most always choose the natural alternative. Jer, on the other hand, is not a yogurt guy but has embraced many of my choices as he experienced the difference it makes in our quality of life. Our son Danner, who is now 20 years old, was encouraged to sit in mud puddles, wore cloth diapers and his friends always asked what I was cooking before they accepted an invitation to stay for dinner! Dan never had allergies, an ear infection, any serious illness, or learning issues, although he did sever his liver in a bike accident and lost a finger to haying. He’s always been a wild child!
Trying to find great natural based products for our personal care, first aid, pet care, cleaning, laundry and nutrition was always a struggle, as most of the products I tried cost too much, didn’t work well and I had to run all over the place to find them. Then in 2002, I was introduced to Melaleuca – the Wellness Company! I've shopped every month with this company ever since and now that Dan has his own house, he’s a customer, too.
Why? Because, with over 300 safe, nontoxic everyday use products, I one-stop-shop through the Melaleuca catalog (via phone or online) for everything I use. These products seriously outperform any competition, from big grocery store names to organic brands. They’re cheaper, both in bottle price and per use. Melaleuca has more patents and proprietary formulas than any consumer product manufacturer in the country. I shop from home; no gas, no time, no hassle… delivered to my front porch in about 3 days. Everything is manufactured here in the States and has a Bottom of the Bottle Guarantee. Plus, as a customer, Melaleuca profit shares with me every month, both in free stuff and checks that come in the mail. Pretty cool, huh?
After trying the products, loving all of them and realizing Melaleuca customers simply change stores for stuff they’re already using, everyone opens their shopping cart through a referral from a friend, and friends who refer friends can actually shop free… Jer and I couldn’t keep our mouths’ shut about this amazing company. When we experienced how easy it is to refer and actually shop free every month, adding “Melaleuca Business Owner’ to our endeavors just made sense. We're honored still, all these years later, to have partnered with this awesome company.
From 2003 thru 2006, we made our Melaleuca business a focused in our life. In the first 90 days, we earned over $12,000. We were paid for simply referring customers and helping others on our team do the same. In 2006, Jer accepted an offer to return to his career and I opened my art gallery. To date, even though for over 4 years we took our focus off our Melaleuca business, we have earned over $225,000! 2011 is our Melaleuca restart and we're even more excited than we were in 2002 about the possibilities for us and the people who become our customers and biz partners.
We encourage you to use our sites to learn a thing or two about the importance of using household & personal care products free of the thousands of legal toxic chemicals national brand manufacturers add to most everything you now have in your home. We think you'll be disgusted and highly motivated to make a change. We're pretty sure changing to 100% Risk Free Melaleuca Products will be a no brainer for you.
We'll be honored to be your tour guide on this adventure!
~ Have fun… Linda, Jer & the Customers & Partners of the @HomeTeam
~ Have fun… Linda, Jer & the Customers & Partners of the @HomeTeam
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